Saturday, November 10, 2012

This or That: Health & Fitness Edition

Hi, guys! I saw this survey on Paige?s blog the other day and thought it looked like a fun Friday post, so here goes!

1. Run/workout in the heat and humidity or freezing temps and snow?

If you asked me this question a year ago, I would have immediately said heat and humidity, but after running the Boilermaker 15K and the Race for Redemption 5K in the blazing summer heat, I?m all about the freezing temps and snow now. I?d much rather run in cold temps than hot ones!

2. Have washboard abs or flat abs?

Either one is okay with me, but I prefer washboard abs on guys!? ;-)

3. Dr. Oz or The Doctors?

Dr. Oz! We ate healthy cookies together last December. I?ve also never watched The Doctors.

4. Cardio or strength?

I used to be a Cardio Queen, but now I?m all about the strength training. I love the results.

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5. Cravings: Protein or carbs?

It depends. I used to crave sweet carbs all the time, but now I crave ?real? food more often. Of course, there are days when all I want is a plate of cookies though!

6. Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?

Jillian Michaels seems pretty awesome, but I?m going to have to go with Bob Harper for this one. He was super friendly both times I met him and he does CrossFit.


7. Frozen Yogurt or Ice Cream?

I love frozen yogurt (the fun toppings can?t be beat!), but I?d rather eat ice cream, specifically Almond Joy from Kimball?s Farm.

8. To train: Upper body or Lower body?

Tough one. I enjoy training both, but I?m going to go with upper body. It?s more of a challenge for me, but I see more gains there, which is really motivating.

9. Protein powder or food with protein?

I do love my protein powder, but I?m not going to consume it with every meal, ya know? Food with protein typically ends up being a lot more satisfying too.

10. Lunges or squats?

Squats and deadlifts, especially if you want a nice bootay!

11. Sweet or salty?

Sweet! Cake (with frosting) is my favorite food ever!

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12. Workout attire: cute or comfy?

Both! Actually, cute, comfy, and functional. I guess I ask for a lot when it comes to workout gear.

13. Body Pump or heavy lifting?

Well, I do kind of like CrossFit, so heavy lifting. Body Pump is great fun, but heaving lifting is so much more exciting. Plus, I like?competing?with myself to beat my previous 1RM.

14. Yoga or Pilates?

Yoga. I really should do it more often. I always enjoy myself.

15. Nike or Adidas?

Adidas since they own Reebok!


16. Running on the treadmill or outdoors?

I?m a treadmill lover, but now that I no longer have access to one, I?ll go with outdoor running. (I hope I survive winter running. Must not wuss out.)

17. Whole Foods or Trader Joe?s?

Another tough one. I love Trader Joe?s for their prices and fun products, but I enjoy the shopping experience at Whole Foods a lot more. Their hot bar is also pretty amazing.

18. Summer or Winter Olympics?

Summer! I love watching gymnastics!

19. Exercises classes or exercise videos?

I?ve always been a fan of exercise classes. They push me out of my comfort zone, keep me accountable, and motivate me.


20. Steamed veggies or roasted veggies?

Definitely roasted! Such a better flavor!

Cardio or strength?

Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper?

Whole Foods or Trader Joe?s?

P.S. Don?t forget to do your time trial for the Plank Challenge. I?m going for 5:15 today. Eek!


mitch daniels

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